Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My name is Pat and this is my blog where I will be posting about oddities and other fun things.  I am studying film, mainly focusing on documentary films.  I started off making expository documentaries but as of lately I have been creating performative documentaries.  I’ve never really had a long lasting passion for documentary films; my interest in the field started with YouTube videos rather than actual movies.  This is where my world begins.

Looking at a screen has always been an integral part of my life. My first obsession with the screen once I entered middle school, the movie that would shape my interests forever and my favorite movie ever, The Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift was released. I was so excited for that film that I went to see it in theaters four different times (still haven’t done the same to this day). After I entered high school, I received my first video camera. I used that camera to make my on YouTube channel that reviewed video games, which started my obsession with the site. At Lawrence, I was able to make my first documentary film with the Civic Life Project. Our group called it Muted and the film exposed sex trafficking in Appleton. This experience gave me insight into the field of documentary filmmaking and exposed me to what I want to do for the rest of my life. My current films are based in a series that me and my friend Nate created about a toy horse called Majesty. The project started out as a simple how to video for an editing class but has evolved into a series of documentary films and I am currently making the forth iteration.  This is me and this is my world. 

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